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时间:2020-01-16  来源:http://www.fsczsj.com
  You don't need to introduce the application method of acrylic display frame. We can see acrylic display frame almost everywhere in our life. But the acrylic display frame in the process of screen printing will have the problem of residual film. What is the cause of this and how to solve it? Here is the introduction of cola beauty.
  The reason and solution of acrylic display frame screen bottom film residue:
  1. Coating unevenness: at this time can increase the screen tension, so that the glue on the screen is even.
  2. 曝光光源选择不当:进行曝光试验,调整曝光时间。
  2. Improper selection of exposure light source: conduct exposure test and adjust exposure time.
  3. The preparation and use time of photosensitive emulsion is too long: choose the light source reasonably, strong ultraviolet (halogen lamp) is suitable.
  Screen printing of acrylic display box
  4. When printing, contact the bottom plate with the plastic film, and compare the small black and white of the bottom plate itself: check the transparency and blackness of the bottom plate.
  5. 干燥温度过高引起的热交联:根据光敏胶使用说明控制干燥温度。
  5. Thermal crosslinking caused by too high drying temperature: control the drying temperature according to the instructions of photosensitive glue.
  6. False contact between the bottom plate and the rubber film during printing: the connector can be closed by vacuum adsorption or other means.
  7. 曝光不足或过度:缩短使用间隔。
  7. Under or over exposure: shorten the use interval.
  8. Incorrect control of time, method and strength: correct control of version time, method and strength.
  9. 开发时间不足:增加显示文本和文本的开发时间。
  9. Insufficient development time: increase the development time of display text and text.
  The above 9 points are about the causes and solutions of acrylic display frame bottom film residue in the process of screen printing. If similar problems are encountered, corresponding solutions can be taken. I hope I can help you.

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