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时间:2020-02-25  来源:http://www.fsczsj.com
No matter what enterprise or product, it will use the corresponding display rack. The display shelf focuses on a series of psychological activities, such as attention, interest, desire, memory, etc. for consumers before purchasing goods. The color is mainly white and transparent, which is the mainstream choice. Of course, the display stand for the festival is red.
Creativity lies in the expression and publicity of personality. The more individual people are, the more influence they can bring to people. To shock people, leaving many bright spots, so as to play a more effective market as, to achieve more effective market communication. This is the definition of creativity. The imagination of space, the choice of data, the construction of buildings, the configuration of colors and novel ways must be integrated and unified to show a complete enterprise or display personality
Design is to highlight the personality of products, brand strength is not only to use the product quality can be superimposed, improve the brand is to better expand the market. The concept of product display frame is to improve the brand awareness of exhibits. The personality here does not refer to the characteristics of enterprises or products and the culture of enterprises or products, but refers to the social value of enterprises or products or the Era Connotation of enterprises or products.
It includes new comprehensive view, humanistic view, space-time view and ecological view. These concepts, the requirements of the display framework is to show the era concept of art. Penetrate into each unit of the stand design. The cumulative effect of cultural enterprises, products and advertisements should be embodied in the design of modern food and beverage display shelves, and more attention should be paid to making public enterprises and products' personalities, and at the same time bringing forward-looking scientific and technological awareness and cultural significance to enterprises or products. Therefore, a good design of catering display shelves greatly improves the modern connotation and cultural background of enterprises or products.

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